Truescale 30k Death Guardia, vuosikatsaus-24 5.1.

Isot pojat esittelevät pieniä miehiään.
Terminator Sergeant
Viestit: 1935
Liittynyt: Ti 10.05.2005 15:39
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, henkisesti ikuinen savolainen

Re: Truescale 30k Death Guardia, pikkutykistöä 13.8.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Terminator Sergeant »

Pienempää kenttätykistöä kaartille.

Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
- Carl Sagan
Terminator Sergeant
Viestit: 1935
Liittynyt: Ti 10.05.2005 15:39
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, henkisesti ikuinen savolainen

Re: Truescale 30k Death Guardia, pikkutykistöä 13.8.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Terminator Sergeant »

Torpeedoja Goottisen taistelulaivaston tarpeisiin.

Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
- Carl Sagan
Terminator Sergeant
Viestit: 1935
Liittynyt: Ti 10.05.2005 15:39
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, henkisesti ikuinen savolainen

Re: Truescale 30k Death Guardia, pikkutykistöä 13.8.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Terminator Sergeant »


3k NetEA. Pimeät enkelit kävivät kolahtamassa Konekirkon konepeltiin. Öljyisen sateen nuollessa uutuuttaan kiiltelevien teiden pintoja, mariinien isku murtui väsymättömän teräksen edessä.

Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
- Carl Sagan
Terminator Sergeant
Viestit: 1935
Liittynyt: Ti 10.05.2005 15:39
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, henkisesti ikuinen savolainen

Re: Truescale 30k Death Guardia, taisteluperuna 5.10.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Terminator Sergeant »

Prototyyppailin sitten siivettömästä ja lyhennetystä Arvuksesta prässitelaisen Chimera-korvikkeen kun en jaksanut printauttaa.

Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
- Carl Sagan
Terminator Sergeant
Viestit: 1935
Liittynyt: Ti 10.05.2005 15:39
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, henkisesti ikuinen savolainen

Re: Truescale 30k Death Guardia, BFG 10.10.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Terminator Sergeant »

Avustelin ropekerhon fuksien figumaalauspisteellä, maalailin kasuaalisti samalla 15 vuoden tauon jälkeen BFG:tä.

Syyshämärän taistelulaivasto Tulen rapsodian uusimmat tulokkaat: kevyet Dauntless-risteilijät Deadly Omen ja Raging Starfire saattueineen, jossa Cobra-torpedoveneiden lippuetta Silent Dream johtaa Falchion-tykkivene In Tenebris.

Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
- Carl Sagan
Terminator Sergeant
Viestit: 1935
Liittynyt: Ti 10.05.2005 15:39
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, henkisesti ikuinen savolainen

Re: Truescale 30k Death Guardia, BFG 10.10.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Terminator Sergeant »

​Lisää BFG:tä, yhden päivän maalailuina Vis Divina sekä kaksi saattuetta, Tears of Pain ja Winter's Rain.


Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
- Carl Sagan
Terminator Sergeant
Viestit: 1935
Liittynyt: Ti 10.05.2005 15:39
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, henkisesti ikuinen savolainen

Re: Truescale 30k Death Guardia, vuosikatsaus-24 5.1.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Terminator Sergeant »

With the new year fast upon us and the holidays spent mainly coughing my lungs out, it's a good time to see what, if anything, was achieved last year.


Finished models 2024

28 mm:

- Imperial lady
- 20 table ornaments

Epic scale:

- 5 tech-thrall bases
- 6 Krios tanks
- 3 Minotaurs
- 2 Baneblades
- 12 Leman Russes
- 6 Basilisks
- 8 field guns
- 24 guardsmen bases
- 50 blast markers


- 10 torpedo markers
- 3 planets
- 2 Dauntless light cruisers
- 1 Falchion
- 3 Cobras
- 9 Swords
- 1 Murder cruiser

So that's some 160+ things finished, of which maybe a 100 or so count as actual models if we're feeling generous. While it's certainly better than the previous year, a big chunk of those happened in few dedicated bursts of speed-painting, such as the three-day Guard marathon before Ropecon or the BFG waves at the end of the year. I also bought way, way more stuff than I finished, with heaps of LI and KT plastic piling up to smother me in my sleep. In 2025, I'd like to see a bit more steady pace at the painting station, like putting something out every month at least. On the other hand, I did also put out quite nice battle rep pics and learn my way around the new camera, so there's been constant hobbying throughout the year which will continue as well.

So what's on the platter this year?

A lot of small scale things at least! Guard, Mechanicum, some biomechanical titans perhaps, more BFG ships and terrain and so on. I'm drowning in tiny tonks :D
I've still got a handful of kill teams in the queue and some on the drawing board, as well as more suitable terrain for that package. Still haven't read the third edition rules, though :P
Maybe some 28 mm 30k? The destroyer squad made earlier is kind of crying for its turn on the painting table...
Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
- Carl Sagan
Vastaa Viestiin

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